Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My daughter calls me Storybookmommy, among many other things. I do not remember anymore just how she started calling me that. Perhaps she observed my fondness for storybooks. I love buying and reading storybooks for Tara. Though I must admit, I don't get to read to her every night. I can be exhausted some nights so I sometimes try to trick her into choosing the shorter stories like Dr. Seuss' Hop on Pop, but of course Tara will insist on the longer ones like Love you Forever and Stella Luna. Anyway, I'm just glad that Tara is developing a love for reading. And I'm happy to be her Storybookmommy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Before anything else, thank you very much for visiting my blog and caring enough to read what I have to say. I am not a good writer but I do love to write. I love to document my thoughts and experiences through words. I don't have big words but I do feel like I have experiences that are worth writing down. So I try to capture these experiences to the best I can. I used to keep personal journals in High School, but lost the time and interest in it somewhere along the way. I am now 29 and like many other things in my life that I am rediscovering and exploring, I am also finding my way back to writing.

So thank you again for your most precious time, and please leave your comments should you have any thoughts on my posts.